Read - a - Thon
For a twelve-hour period, the annual Read-a-Thon brings Comfort together as participants read aloud from their favorite books, showing their love of reading, sharing with others and supporting literacy. Readers sign up for a time-slot to read from their selection for 20 minutes.
Triple A - Authors, Artists & Artisans
A day celebrating our local writers, artists and artisans, this community event is held in the Spring in conjunction with the Comfort Read-a-Thon. Often held in the nearby "Comfort Backyard" (between High and Front Streets) participants bring their books and/or examples of their creativity and artistry to the Library for the public to view and possibly take home.
Blind Date With a Book
To encourage patrons to try out different genres around Valentine's Day, CPL books are selected and wrapped with a brief description of the contents. Still wrapped, the books are checked-out by patrons who are encouraged to "rate their date" when the books are returned.
Books and Boos!! (for kids and adults)
Our Halloween celebration...Staff and Board members (some in costume) gather at the Library to give out treats to appreciative youngsters.
Programs of Interest
From learning about bees to canning food, the Library has a program for you.