Adult patrons must fill out a registration form, have a current photo ID and bring proof of residency if new to Texas or to the community. For children and young adult patrons under age of eighteen, a parent or legal guardian must be present to fill out their registration form.
Library cards are free of charge to Texas residents and are available to residents of other states who are current members of the Friends of the Comfort Public Library. Cards are updated and renewed every three years from day of application.
TexShare cards provides patrons the privilege to visit more than 500 libraries and branches throughout the State of Texas and to check out materials. A TexShare card is issued by a patron's home library and gives that patron access to other Texas libraries that are members of the program. Each library sets its own member requirements and material limits for TexShare patrons.
To get a TexShare card from the Comfort Public Library, patrons must have had a valid library card for at least 6 months and must be in good standing at the time of the TexShare card application.
TexShare cards are valid for six months from application and must be renewed by the patron at the Library.
- New patrons are limited to a single item checked out on the first visit. Thereafter, no check-out limits are imposed except for DVDs.
- All books and recorded books may be checked out for twenty-one days (three weeks).
- Renewals may be made by phone, in person, online through the Catalog Login or by email if there is no waiting list for the material.
- DVDs may now be checked out for twenty-one days (three weeks). Check-outs are limited to four titles per family.
- Back issues of periodicals may be checked out for twenty-one days (three week).
- Reference materials may be checked out overnight at the discretion of the Library Director. Vertical file materials, rare books and current issues of periodicals are for Library use only.
- Audio-visual equipment may be checked out for fourteen days (two weeks). Equipment includes an overhead projector, slide projector, telescopes, portable PC projector and projection screen.
Computer workstations are located in the library to allow patrons full access to the Library Electronic Card Catalog, databases, assorted software programs and the Internet. Guidelines for computer use are posted in the Library and here.
The Library shall not be responsible for and has no control over information, content or views expressed on the Internet. The Library disclaims any liability or responsibility for any information obtained through the Internet or any consequences arising through the use thereof. Parents of minor children are urged to supervise their children's sessions and will be held responsible for their children's use or misuse of Library resources.
The Texas Penal Code Sections 43.22 and 43.24. apply to obscene display of material. Applicable sections of the Texas Penal Code are posted in the Library. The U.S. Code; Title 17 Copyright Laws apply to materials obtained from the Internet. Applicable copyright statements are posted in the Library.