What’s New for March

Spring is just around the corner and what better time to read about rejuvenating soil, kitchen basics, grieving and Old West murder trials than this month?  And regarding timely reading…we are moving to a new inter-library loan system!  To give us time to “clean house” with the present system, ILL requests will be suspended until mid-April.  In the meanwhile, though, check out the following reads!

FOR THE LOVE OF SOIL: STRATEGIES TO REGENERATE OUR FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS by Nicole Masters → fungi ; nematodes ; good worms ; weeds (or not)

KITCHEN MATTERS by Pamela Salzman → recipes and tips to make food wholesome, nourishing and unforgettable

“SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS” by Dina Gachman → how to grieve ; how to live with loss ; how to stay connected to those we miss

GREAT MURDER TRIALS OF THE OLD WEST by Johnny D. Boggs → accused criminals ; fair trials ; John Wesley Hardin and others

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